cFosSpeed is thus optimized for use with filesharing (p2p) software, allowing users to have such a program run in the background without noticing its regular Internet activity. Running filesharing programs (like eMule, Kazaa or Bittorrent) will usually take up most if not all upstream channel bandwidth, which leaves the connection prone to high ping times.
Not only does this mean filesharing communication itself will run slowly (source requests may take a full 1 or 2 seconds rather than just a few milliseconds), but it will also choke other Internet applications to a crawl. By the same token, download rates may plummet, since TCP ACKs are not being sent out in time. The browser will also become noticeably less responsive while surfing the Net.
A popular workaround offered by many filesharing programs is to put an artificial cap on the upload rate.
But thanks to cFosSpeed Traffic Shaping, you can finally use the full upstream bandwidth (with eMule, Kazaa or Bittorrent etc.) and make it available to other filenet users - without adversely affecting other Internet applications.
However, if your are simultaneously running a mail upload in addition to a filesharing upload, both will compete for available upstream bandwidth. How much bandwidth each of these uploads will eventually receive is basically left to happenstance. In some cases, this may even lead to termination of all TCP connections (TCP connection starving). But by using the priority settings available under cFosSpeed, you can configure eMule, Kazaa or Bittorrent in such a way that filesharing traffic is slowed somewhat during mail or ftp uploads. To allow such an upload to proceed as fast as possible, the data rate will then be reduced briefly to no less than 15 percent. In this case, cFosSpeed will still ensure a minimum data throughput for all filesharing traffic is maintained so that TCP connections will not be lost. Once the upload is finished, filesharing traffic will go back to full speed, though if needed you can also change this in the cFosSpeed priority dialog.
Therefore, we suggest setting Kazaa etc. to "unlimited upload" while deactivating the "speed sense" option, since cFosSpeed will already optimize Internet traffic anyway.
Since most users have their filesharing programs run 24 hours a day, cFosSpeed comes with its own icon skin for this, making it possible to keep track of the connection without needing to have a separate status window open at all times.
Traffic Shaping best for
* Broadband: DSL, Cable
* Narrow band: modem, ISDN
* Mobile
* Filesharing (P2P)
* Games
* Streaming Media, VoIP
* Low Ping
* Prioritising programs
* Prioritising protocols
* Online Budgets
* Firewall
# Perfect for online gamers!
# Extended Traffic Shaping for DSL modems, cable modems & routers
# Highly responsive when used with online games and filesharing (P2P) like eMule, Kazaa or Bittorrent
# Minimal ping times for streaming audio & video, Voice over IP (VoIP), Internet Radio, etc.
# Individual program prioritization
cFosSpeed, the filesharing solution for P2P networks
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