Warriors Orochi for PC

Warriors Orochi boasts an amazing roster of 77 playable characters from both the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors franchises, while four action-packed “crossover” storylines unveil events where characters from either series are pitted against one another. The game’s new “Team Battle System” and “Weapon Fusion” push Tactical Action to a whole new level. For the first time in KOEI’s Tactical Action games, players can create their own three-person tag team. At any given time, one warrior will be engaged in battle, while the other two are recuperating; restoring their Life Meters and Musou Gauges. Every character is categorized according to offensive ability, and with new fighting techniques, it’s up to the player to find the most lethal combination of warriors. “Weapon Fusion” lets players combine the attributes from different weapons for more devastating results.
Warriors Orochi (無双OROCHI魔王再臨?, Musou Orochi Maō Sairin, lit. atau Orochi: Lahirnya Sang Raja Iblis) adalahTemplat:Vgy video game yang diterbitkan oleh Koei dan Omega Force untuk Sony PlayStation 2. Yang merupakan sequel dari Warriors Orochi, dan merupakan penggabungan dari game seri Dynasty Warriors dan Samurai Warriors. game ini dirilis pada 23 September di Amerika Serikat, 19 September di Eropa dan 4 September di Jepang.

Bagi pengguna PC jangan kecewa dulu, karena, kini game ini sudah ada versi PC-nya loh...
dan dari segi kualitas ga kalah deh dari versi Playstation 2,..

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2 Responses to "Warriors Orochi for PC"

  1. thanks artikelnya...!!!

    Jalan Ke Blog sy jga ya gan...!!! sekalian ikut follow jga...!!!

    By: Bang Bubust

  2. ok...makasih ya gan..
    ntar ane folow....
